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Costas P. Antzoulis has graduated from the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies of the University of Cyprus, while at the same time he has attended undergraduate/postgraduate programs at Greek universities.
He works as a philologist in Secondary Education. His historical interest focuses on the Modern and Contemporary history of Cyprus – Greece – worldwide, especially in the period of the Greek National Resistance (1941-44) and the Greek Civil War (1946-49), with emphasis on the personality of Aris Velouchiotis (1905-1945). His literary pursuits focus on the poetry of Costas Varnalis, Giannis Ritsos, Manolis Anagnostakis and Tasos Livaditis.
He is also an active citizen, with a voluntary activity in the Local Government, having served as President, Special Adviser of the kellaki Community Council and Vice President of the Union of Communities of Lemesos.
Costas P. Antzoulis is a member of the Board of the Antzoulis Foundation.