Objectives of the Foundation and Means to Achieve Them

Foundation's Objectives

Antzoulis Foundation is a Legal Entity of Private Law governed by the provisions of the “Associations and Foundations and other Related Matters Law of 2017 L. 104(I)/2017 and L.76(I)/2018”, of the Republic of Cyprus, as in force from time to time. It is a non-profit Cultural Foundation which is established to promote Literature and Arts under the name of “ANTZOULIS FOUNDATION” (in Greek “ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΑΝΤΖΟΥΛΗ”), having its registered office in the Municipality of Engomi, Nicosia, Cyprus. For its relations with foreign countries the Foundation shall use its English name “ANTZOULIS FOUNDATION”. The Foundation has nothing to do with politics and does not deal in any way whatsoever with issues of political nature.

Goals and objectives of the Foundation are the following:


To promote and develop Literature and Arts and, therefore, to support and promote all kind of actions in relation to Humanities, Philosophy (Ancient Greek, Medieval, Modern – Contemporary European), Languages (Ancient and Modern Greek), Literature (Poetry and Prose), History (Ancient, Medieval – Byzantine, Modern – Contemporary), Ancient Greek Literature, Latin Literature, Archaeology, Drama, Visual Arts (Painting and Sculpture) and other forms of art (photography and cinema).


To enhance the educational role of Humanities and their value in overcoming the crisis of moral values and the improvement of the society.


To financially, or in any other way, support actions in relation to the fields referred to in article 4.1 hereof.


To hold one-day conferences, conferences, symposia, seminars, debates, series of cultural and educational lectures, exhibitions and other cultural events in relation to the fields referred to in article 4.1 hereof.


To hold creative writing and reading contests or/and workshops, sometimes in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth and the public and private schools of Cyprus, and award actions in relation to the fields referred to in article 4.1 hereof.


To publish autobiographies, biographies, monographs, edited volumes, minutes of symposia, yearbooks or other papers in relation to the fields referred to in article 4.1 hereof, in cooperation with publishing houses in Cyprus, Greece or abroad.


To sponsor autobiographies, biographies, monographs, edited volumes, minutes of symposia, yearbooks or other papers in relation to the fields referred to in article 4.1 hereof, which can be published by publishing houses in Cyprus, Greece or abroad.


To publish a magazine for Literature and Arts hosting literary works, articles, essays and papers in relation to the fields referred to in article 4.1 hereof, which can be published by publishing houses in Cyprus, Greece or abroad.


To publish a newsletter in hard copy and/or electronic format on actions in relation to the fields referred to in article 4.1 hereof.


To promote the translation of important works, autobiographies, biographies, monographs, papers, essays, poetry collections, literary texts etc., in relation to the fields referred to in article 4.1 hereof – from modern Greek into a foreign language and vice-versa.


To promote research in archives or other material in thematic areas in relation to the fields referred to in article 4.1 hereof.


To award research scholarships in thematic areas in relation to the fields referred to in article 4.1 hereof.


To award prizes and/or scholarships to pupils and undergraduate and/or postgraduate students who have achieved excellent results in thematic areas in relation to the fields referred to in article 4.1 hereof.


To support creators, writers, scholars, critics, doctrinaires, thinkers and historians actively involved in the cultural life of Cyprus and to promote their work in Cyprus and abroad.


To support creators, writers, scholars, critics, doctrinaires, thinkers and historians actively involved in the cultural life of Cyprus and to promote their work in Cyprus and abroad.


To support, promote and enhance the philosophical thinking and papers dealing with the philosophical thinking and creation.


To support, promote and enhance literary production (poetry and prose) and papers on History, Theory and Literary Criticism.


To support, promote and enhance research creativity and mobility of men of letters, artists, researchers, scholars and their work in relation to the fields referred to in article 4.1 hereof.


To support the participation of writers, scholars, critics and artists in common actions, conferences, seminars, symposia, one-day conferences etc., in relation to the fields referred to in article 4.1 hereof, in Cyprus, Greece and abroad.


To support actions in relation to the Intangible Cultural Heritage (legends, fairy tales, customs, oral traditions, oral poetry, dialects etc.) and the Traditional Culture.


To communicate and cooperate with State and other stakeholders, as well as with relevant Foundations in Cyprus, Greece and abroad, provided that the Foundation’s autonomy and independence are preserved.


To participate in international organisations serving the object referred to in article 4.1 hereof.


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(+357) 24 651 222


Αρχιεπισκόπου Μακαρίου Γ΄ 27Β, 6017 Λάρνακα, ΚΥΠΡΟΣ

Antzoulis Foundation is a Legal Entity of Private Law governed by the provisions of the “Associations and Foundations and other Related Matters Law of 2017 L. 104(I)/2017 and L.76(I)/2018”, of the Republic of Cyprus, as in force from time to time. 

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